Welcome to Mastodon eSports
Hello, this is the homepage of Mastodon Esports, a rising Esports team from the united states. Currently, we have a Dota 2 team competing in amateur tournaments such as SECS, Canada Cup, joinDota League, and anything else we can get our hands on. If you have any recommendations, suggestions, or think you could be a good addition to the brand please shoot us an email via the contact us page.
About Us

At the end of 2013, into the beginning of 2014, a few friends joined to together to start playing Dota on a decently competitive level for the first season of the joinDota League. Having mild success and securing a spot in division 4 for the next season, team "Falling With Style" pushed forward to start climbing the ranks.
Most every season brought some form of change, from position swaps to roster changes. Season 4 saw what was almost a disband of the entire squad, but after a last second roster addition, Falling With Style was reborn as Mastodon.
Now we set our sights on growth: individually, as a team, and as brand.